The Importance Of Taking Care Of Your Body

For today’s article, I want to talk about taking care of your BODY.

When I say taking care of your BODY, this includes taking care of ALL of your BODY.

So what BODIES am I talking about . . .

For example:

Your physical BODY – this is exercise, sleep, the food you eat and the drink you consume.

Your emotional BODY – this is your feelings and being able to express yourself. Your mental BODY – this is your thought process and how you view yourself and the world.

Your energetic BODY - this is the way you connect to a higher level of consciousness.


If you are focusing on one area and neglecting the others, you will create a lack of balance in your overall health and wellbeing. The best way to create balance is to dedicate time to each of these components if you want to feel centered, energized, confident, joyful, successful and experience ease and flow and love of yourself and life. Your BODY wants to be healthy. Your BODY wants to heal. Your BODY wants to thrive. We all have everything we need within ourselves to do it. As the power that makes the BODY, also heals the BODY


To start you on your journey for BODY balance, I would like to share ideas to help bring about healing in the physical, emotional, mental, and energetic BODIES.


To bring the physical BODY into balance: Try dancing, simple movements, repetitive sequences, power walking, massage, walking barefoot in the grass, stretching and weight bearing exercises that will allow you to feel your own strength and the union of all things physical.

To bring the emotional BODY into balance: Try anything that helps release emotion, tension, stress, and anxiety. Yoga, meditation, watching a funny movie, taking a long walk in nature, or speaking to a friend or loved one.

To bring the mental BODY into balance: Try yoga, moderate cardio, journaling, visiting a sacred space, or seek support through healing modalities such as therapy, acupuncture, or reiki.

To bring the energetic BODY into balance: Mediation, mediation, mediation, purposeful deep, slow breathing, the practice of gratitude, the act of giving, clean eating and drinking and connecting to a higher power.


The ultimate goal is for each of us to be balanced in all four BODIES. When balanced, life flows, we take circumstances in stride, we act, not react to situations and we send out a higher frequency to the Universe. 


Most importantly being balanced means that we are all worthy and whole beyond measure.


Until next time, I hope you find your newfound awareness of the physical, emotional, mental, and energetic BODY connection transforming and it brings more balance and wellness to your life.

~ Carol


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